cool video by Texas ag students about the imprtance of standing up for Agriculture – (no matter your school allegiance)
Helping Protect the Natural Resources of Wake County, NC
cool video by Texas ag students about the imprtance of standing up for Agriculture – (no matter your school allegiance)
Please contact the Wake County Commissioners and ask them to save the vehicles allocated to the Soil and Water Conservation District staff.
The District staff was told to turn in its field vehicle yesterday. The county budget office is recommending loss of another truck in the budget cuts. The District has five staff members and, until yesterday, three vehicles. Staff needs vehicles to help Wake County schools and residents, including farmers and homeowners to implement conservation projects to protect Wake County land water and air.
If the budget cuts go through, the three field conservationists and one environmental educator will have only one vehicle to use to get to farms and schools all across Wake County.
This means there will be only one vehicle left to do all the conservation work.
This may all but halt the District’s work!
Please call and email the Commissioners as well as the Clerk of the Board. You don’t have to write a long email or leave a long phone message. Just state your support for the District and ask the Commissioners to help by allowing the staff to have 3 vehicles.
Feel free to copy the following into your email:
I support the conservation and education work of the Wake SWCD. Their important work requires them to have transportation. Please support the work of the district by allowing them the use of 3 vehicles.
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