We had a great event this morning touring Adams Vineyards, Wake County’s first Vineyard and Winery! Supervisors Thomas Dean and Patrick Johnson, along with Associate Board members Quincy Adams, David Adams, and Marilyn Grolitzer joined many others for breakfast and a Wake County Agribusiness Council spring farm tour. Council members counted over 60 people in at one point!!
All local food was used in breakfast! Quincy received many questions out in the field on the tour. Looks like they really enjoyed the tour.
Everyone went home with fresh picked strawberries from our Wake County farmers.
WakeGov TV recorded lots of footage, including interviews with Commissioner Matthews and Commissioner Coble on farmland preservation. Senator Burr, Senator Hagan, and Representative Elmers office were present. Sheriff Harrison came out to support us also.
All around great outreach for Wake County agriculture, agribusiness, conservation, farmland preservation, forestry and farms! Special thanks to everyone who made it out to the farm this morning.
- To increase public awareness of agribusiness and its importance to the economy.
- To evaluate agribusiness and it’s potential for future growth.
- To promote unity of interest among each segment of the agribusiness community.
- To expand employment and income opportunities.
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