is another local CSA

from their website:
5 great reasons to join The Produce Box now!

  1. Guarantee your membership spot for next season! And this will help us to work with our local farmers in understanding the amount of produce we will need beginning in April.
  2. By joining now, it helps us provide grants to our farmers. Your $18 enrollment helps us provide provide grants for seed, equipment and other aids for our local growers. This past year we gave over $20,000 in grants!
  3. You’ll receive a monthly on-line newsletter complete with news from the farms, what’s new for the upcoming season, recipes, off-season events, pre-season specials and more.
  4. You’ll have MEMBERS ONLY access to our brand new on-line recipe library. Coming soon…want a yummy recipe for butternut squash that you can look up in seconds? Want to share one of your own delicious recipes with fellow members? Stay tuned for our upcoming member recipe contest beginning in February!
  5. Why wait to join the rest of us fans of the local food movement? Don’t miss out on another season of the delicious fresh, local food your friends and neighbors have been enjoying for years! (It’s our 6th!) You’ll be connected to a community of healthy-eating folks who are supporting good-for-the-earth sustainability and our local economy.