Helping Protect the Natural Resources of Wake County, NC

Author: admin (Page 8 of 14)

CSA – Consumer Supported Agriculture

Vollmer Farm has CSA membership available.
If you know another CSA you’d like to see listed here on the blog, post it in the replies and I’ll make sure to run a new blog post.

Vollmer Farm still has membership opportunities available for our 2013 CSA program. If you have considered joining, don’t delay, register today! Once our membership is full, we will begin a waiting list for 2014. We have plans for a wonderful garden this year and we so look forward to sharing it with our CSA members. The strawberries are growing and we are working daily to make sure the blooms stay warm and healthy. Our blue- and blackberry plants will be pruned in the coming weeks and we are excited for another good crop of these organic berries.

Registration for Vollmer Farm’s CSA program is easy. Just log on to our secure website at and click the box at the bottom of the page for the CSA Registration Area. We are accepting on-line payments, or you can download and print the forms and mail in with your payment. Our past members know what a good value our program is and we look forward to sharing this with you…it’s our seventh anniversary of CSA!

Memberships are available for a small share, large share, or market share. Details about these different shares are available on our website. Whatever share you select, your satisfaction is guaranteed!

If you have questions about our program, please email Debbie at csa.
Thank you for your support of our family farm.

Peas on Earth,
Farmer John

Nominate a Tree-mendous Tree in Wake County

Nominate a Tree-mendous Tree in Wake County
If you have a majestic tree that graces your land, you are invited to nominate it to be a "Wake County Capital Tree."

The Capital Trees Program recognizes the largest, rarest, oldest and most beautiful trees of various species. Winners receive a plaque at the biannual awards program, as well as a small tag to attach to the tree.

In order for a tree or group of trees in Wake County to be considered for an award, it must be:

  • A species, subspecies, variety or cultivar proven to be relatively long-lived and adapted to our geographic region, and
  • Must be judged by a representative of the Capital Trees Program, to be in such good health and condition to have a reasonable prospect of continuing useful life.

Here’s the link for the nomination form.

The deadline has been extended until March 31, 2013.
All tree nominations welcome!

Come to the Table Conference

The 2013 Come to the Table Conferences: People of Faith Relieving Hunger and Supporting Local Agriculture.
These conferences include inspiring plenaries, topical breakout sessions, lunch, and a unique chance to meet partners engaged in local food systems and hunger relief  work.       Continue reading

Students RUN OFF with top poster awards

The Wake SWCD annual poster contest contributed to the education of over 1100 Wake County 5th graders who participated. This year’s theme: “Water: The Cycle of Life”, featuring runoff and the urban water cycle. Novozymes Nature’s GREEN-RELEAF Composting provided prizes for the top winners. The top ten winners were honored at the 47th Annual Conservation Awards Celebration. The winning poster will compete at the regional level with 10 other counties.

Top 10 Poster Winners / Teacher / School Continue reading

Support Wake Soil and Water Conservation District

Season’s Greetings,

The Mission of the Friends of Wake SWCD is to Promote awareness and Support for the work of the District.

Your 2012 support has helped:

  • sponsor the Raleigh Downtown Farmers Market
  • prepare the Wake County high school Envirothon team place third in the national competition,
  • honor the Wake SWCD poster contest winners,
  • initiate the first in the nation Envirothon Braille Project
  • present the 47th annual Conservation Awards to farmers, land stewards, schools, teachers, environmental educators, and supporters of farmland, forestland and conservation in Wake County.

Join us as we begin 2013 with the award winning Keeping the Farm workshop in January.

Please support the District by joining or renewing your membership with the Friends of Wake SWCD.
Postmarking your donation by Dec 31, 2012, allows you to claim the charitable donation for your 2012 taxes.

Join us. Donate today. Use the attached form, or download the same membership/donation form at the Friends of the District website.

Best wishes for a healthy, peaceful, and prosperous new year.

The Board of Directors of the
Friends of Wake Soil and Water Conservation District


Agriculture – a big part of Wake County

Eastern Wake News

Knightdale farm hosted annual Farm City Day

When people envision Wake County, they may picture one of the major universities, or they may think of the teaching hospitals and renowned research centers. Typically they will not think of agriculture, even though it is a huge industry in the county. The Wake County Farm Bureau has set out to change this pattern of thought and educate citizens on the interdependence of rural and urban populations.

    During this year’s Farm City Day Jackie Thompson, President of Wake County Farm Bureau commended members of the Wake Future Farmers America Federation for their hard work and dedication to agriculture.

Continue reading

Raleigh urban agriculture needs your help!

the following is a request from the
Raleigh Urban Ag Work Group, an informal coalition of urban ag and local food activists and advocates. We include members of Advocates for Health in Action, Interfaith Food Shuttle, the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association, the Center for Environmental Farming Systems, NC Cooperative Extension, Raleigh City Farm, Sixth Sun, and others. They came together over the summer in response to incomplete proposals for urban ag zoning for Raleigh.
They are working to make community agriculture possible within Raleigh’s Unified Development Code. Continue reading

Raleigh city council sending urban agriculture topic back to committee

Raleigh City Council, citing the 400+ signatures they received this morning as well as numerous individual calls and emails, has decided to put the topic of Community Gardens and Urban Agriculture back into committee! Each of our petition points has been met. I’m incredibly excited and humbled to have you on our side, both in the last few days and for the challenges of the next few weeks.

What that means? Planning will take a closer look at the zoning language for urban agriculture, and there will be a public hearing on the topic. The hearing will probably be the second week of December. I will keep you all posted on any important dates, in case you want to stay involved.

I will have follow-ups about the hearing, how to participate, and ways the Raleigh urban ag movement can continue beyond the adoption of good zoning!

Thanks for your support. We topped out with 501 signatures in 5 days!

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